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Lisa Perry

State Bar of Texas

I am the Meetings and Sponsorships Manager for the TexasBar CLE division of the State Bar of Texas. I currently source and negotiate with hotels for our Continuing Legal Education programs each month. For over 3 decades, I've learned both the operations and sales & marketing side of the hospitality industry. If you've ever spent a good deal of time talking to a hospitality professional, most often she will admit that the industry is filled with ups and downs...especially these past few years. After 23 years in the hotel/restaurant industry and surviving several recessions, I finally hung my nylons to go work for "the other side". Thinking I was safe from any recessions, I'd work for an organization that helped other organizations source and plan meetings and events. Even in economic distress, SOMEONE was having a meeting somewhere. No one could have ever predicted what was to come. Over these past three decades, the hospitality industry has shaped me into a resilient and flexible individual, both professionally and personally. I truly believe that if you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere (and you don't need to live in NYC).