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Cali Franks


Cali is a Program Attorney with Lawline, where she spends her days speaking with passionate attorneys and learning from the best and the brightest in the legal profession. A native Texan, Cali earned her BA in Government from the University of Texas in Austin in 2015. After graduating from St. Mary’s University School of Law and getting her Texas Law License in 2018, Cali practiced civil litigation/insurance defense in Dallas, Texas, for three years. Cali is active in her community and bar service, serving on numerous boards and holding various elected positions. In addition to her service to the bar, Cali has been published in law reviews and numerous other legal publications. When not working, Cali likes to travel with her fiancé and play with her three small rescue dogs, Bailee, Chiquita, and Murphy. 

Product Type
On Demand

Engaging New Attorneys in Programming, Marketing, Publications, and Beyond

Alexandria Lutz |  Cali Franks |  Michael Shafland
1 Hour 28 Minutes
Audio and Video
$79.00 - Base Price

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