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Using Process Mapping to Improve the CLE process

Catherine Alman MacDonagh, JD
57 Minutes
Audio and Video


Do you know how each function involved in CLE approvals is actually performing every step and each task required to complete the entire process from start to finish? Discover how process mapping can be used to identify all the roles and activities currently involved in the doing and delivery of this important work – and also how it helps us identify both immediate and longer term improvements.
Join Keisha and Catherine as they explain how mapping the CLE approval process produced powerful information and insights. We worked to diagnose whether we had a process, expectations, training, performance, or volume issue. To answer this, selected stakeholders were interviewed and asked about the steps they follow and the tasks they perform with respect to their role in the CLE process. They were also asked to share pain points and ideas they had for improvements.
This information was used to develop a process map that showed the tasks performed by each functional area as well as the many handoffs between them. The interviews and map produced a clear picture; all the diagnoses were accurate. In fact, in combination, these problem areas were exacerbated.
Through this case study, discover how the powerful tool of process mapping helps us to select the right tools and technology based on: people working at their highest and best use, fully understanding their needs and requirements, and viewing activities from an end-to-end process and a team/firm perspective. This fundamentally and immediately impact the way people work and how they work together in the CLE process.


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